Toddler Development

Using Color to Teach Emotions and Social Skills to Children - Inkmeo

Using Color to Teach Emotions and Social Skills...

Social Inkmeo

Using color to teach emotions and social skills to children through interactive activities and stories Empowering and engaging for children, helping to foster creativity, empathy, and important life skills.

Using Color to Teach Emotions and Social Skills...

Social Inkmeo

Using color to teach emotions and social skills to children through interactive activities and stories Empowering and engaging for children, helping to foster creativity, empathy, and important life skills.

The importance of hand-eye coordination - Inkmeo

The importance of hand-eye coordination

Social Inkmeo

Discover the importance of hand-eye coordination in child development and learn fun ways to improve it through coloring, drawing, finger tracing games and outdoor play with Inkmeo reusable wall coloring...

The importance of hand-eye coordination

Social Inkmeo

Discover the importance of hand-eye coordination in child development and learn fun ways to improve it through coloring, drawing, finger tracing games and outdoor play with Inkmeo reusable wall coloring...

Why do kids love writing on a Vertical Surface-Feature image

Why do kids love writing on a Vertical Surface?

Inkmeo Team

Back when you were in school, you would have never be thought about the developmental benefits of writing and working on the vertical surface of the chalkboard. But Lauren Drobnjak, a pediatric...

Why do kids love writing on a Vertical Surface?

Inkmeo Team

Back when you were in school, you would have never be thought about the developmental benefits of writing and working on the vertical surface of the chalkboard. But Lauren Drobnjak, a pediatric...

5 reasons Why need an Activity Sheet -Feature image

5 reasons Why need an Activity Sheet | Inkmeo

Inkmeo Team

Activity sheets are the parents' resource to minimize their kid's screen time and to make them feel confident that they are learning new skills in their free time. Colouring activity is something wonderful about...

5 reasons Why need an Activity Sheet | Inkmeo

Inkmeo Team

Activity sheets are the parents' resource to minimize their kid's screen time and to make them feel confident that they are learning new skills in their free time. Colouring activity is something wonderful about...